
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Lauren Porosoff

Lauren has been an educator since 2000 and has served as a diversity coordinator and a grade-level team leader. She consults with teachers and administrators on designing curriculum and professional development. Porosoff is the lead author of Curriculum at Your Core: Meaningful Teaching in the Age of Standards, EMPOWER Your Students: ​Tools to Inspire a Meaningful School Experience, and Two-for-One Teaching: Connecting Instruction to Student Values.
teaching strategy
Exploring Texts Through Read Alouds

Creating Questions to Engage Critically with Texts

This strategy provides tools to create questions that help students engage critically with Perspectives central texts and examine them for issues of power and social inequity. The activities suggested here also encourage readers to bring their knowledge and experiences to the reading of a text.
Grade Level
RL.K-2.1, RL.K-2.2, RL.K-2.3, RL.K-2.6, RI.K-2.1, RI.K-2.2, RI.K-2.3, RI.K-2.6
July 16, 2014

Gawking, Gaping, Staring

In this personal narrative, Clare explores multiple facets of the self and questions why gender is still discussed as a binary. He acknowledges the tortured lives that many have lived as a result of their gender ambiguity and declares that all those who "gawk," "gape," and "stare" at those who are different never get it right.
Eli Clare
Grade Level
July 14, 2014
student task
Do Something

Be the Change...

Students identify and investigate a community problem and propose a solution. They then plan and implement action directed at solving the problem.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014
student task
Do Something

Spotlight on Change Agents

Students investigate, interview and profile a person working for equity and social change. The person can work on the local, national or international level, with an organization or as an individual. The compiled profiles will form a resource for other students in the future.
Grade Level
July 13, 2014