
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Sharon Chappell

Chappell is an assistant professor in the department of elementary and bilingual education. She specializes in diversity and curriculum issues, English language learning, bilingual education and arts education. She also is interested in building communities of learners in online instruction.

The Power of Words

This short film portrays a man in need, seated on the edge of a busy street with a sign reading: "I'm blind. Please help." When a woman stops to rewrite the message on his sign, she shifts the perception of passersby.
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
May 19, 2014
professional development

Bullying Basics

This quick reference answers questions about bullying we hear frequently from the Learning for Justice community. The information will get you started and point you toward more in-depth resources.
Professional Development Topic
Classroom Culture
School Climate
May 15, 2014

Chad Donohue

Donohue is a middle school English and social studies teacher in Monroe, Washington. He also teaches college courses in English, public speaking and education.

Jill Davidson

Since 2011, Jill Davidson has worked as the Director of Publications and Communications at Educators for Social Responsibility, which collaborates with middle and high schools to provide professional development and resources grounded in the values of equity, community, and democracy. Before ESR, she worked for over a decade in a variety of roles at the Coalition of Essential Schools. Jill lives in Providence, RI. As the mother of three sons in public schools, she advocates for family-school involvement to support school success for all young people.
professional development

The December Dilemma

The diverse holidays of the world present great teachable moments. Teaching Tolerance and Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding have teamed up to help teachers capitalize on these moments while recognizing and addressing the complexity of the so-called “December Dilemma.”
May 9, 2014

Joe Hansen

Joe Hansen is a freelance writer based in Portland, OR, where he lives with his partner and their spoiled yellow Lab, Charlie. He holds an M.S. in journalism from the University of Oregon and has been a writer, editor and newsroom jack-of-all-trades for newspapers, magazines and web publications since 2005.

Dr. Ruth Wilson

Dr. Ruth A. Wilson works as an educational consultant and curriculum writer. She has a doctorate in early childhood and elementary education and a master’s degree in special education. Dr. Wilson taught at the university level for over 14 years, including ten years at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Professionally, her primary areas of interest are early childhood environmental education and peace education. Much of her work focuses on the holistic development of children, with an emphasis on connections between body, mind, and spirit.