
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Caits Meissner

Caits Meissner has been an arts and community educator for more than 10 years in New York City. Currently she serves as Education Programs Manager at Tribeca Film Institute.

Gale Bournazian-Ybarra

Gale Bournazian-Ybarra has been an educator for 23 years; as a 7th- and 8th-grade teacher in California and as a coordinator/team manager in creative problem solving organizations, for high school and middle school students, in California and Georgia.

Clio Stearns

Clio Stearns has been teaching for 12 years, mainly working with elementary school students and focusing on appreciating everyone’s different perspective.

Caitlin George

Caitlin George is a high school English for speakers of other languages and journalism teacher in South Carolina. She earned bachelor’s degrees in English and Spanish and a master’s degree in English education from the University of Georgia. She also has a specialist's degree in curriculum & instruction from Valdosta State University.

Liz Clift

Liz N. Clift provides informal education to youth in Denver, Colorado, and volunteers with several organizations that work on food justice issues.