
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Teacher Study Group Can Change School Culture

Teaching is a tough profession. We know it. It comes with a lot of responsibilities and challenges. Nevertheless, teaching is a very rewarding life path. Perhaps equally as tough is teaching teachers to be culturally competent. For the last six months, I’ve led a book study at my school on Gary Howard’s We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, which looks at cultural competency programs.

Getting Clear of the ‘They’ Rhetoric

After reading a Teaching Tolerance Facebook post asking how we would be marking the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, I started to think about how I would address this in my classroom. My new group of sixth-graders will be 10 and 11 years old. What they know about these events will not be from their memories but from what they have learned from their parents and teachers. And given the proximity of our school district to New York City, it is quite possible that I will have students who lost a family member on that day. However I decide to approach it in the classroom, it isn’t going to be easy.

Conversations Can Bridge Cultural Divide

The month of Ramadan comes upon my classroom slowly. The non-Muslim students don’t notice the changes at first, but soon the little things start creeping in. They see that the classes are smaller, because more students are staying home. Or they might notice that the Muslim students are a little more tired than usual, or that when offered food, they politely put up their hand and say, “No food for me, I am fasting.” This is when the questions start.

Brenda Anfinson

Brenda Anfinson is a Minnesota-based writer, educator and speaker on issues in adult basic education. She currently teaches basic literacy and civics classes to adult learners. After completing bachelor’s degrees in Spanish and anthropology at Luther College, she completed a master’s degree in education at the University of St. Thomas. When not teaching, she is busy cycling and enjoying the great outdoors.