
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,321 Results



This excerpt from Barracoon, which provides a first-person account from the last living man transported from Africa to America as an enslaved person. The excerpt shows Zora Neal Hurston arriving at Cudjo Lewis’ house to speak with him about his past in only the way he can.
Zora Neale Hurston
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
June 18, 2019
the moment

Police Violence in the News

Released video footage of police officers drawing guns on a young black family in Phoenix illustrates the threat of police violence and bias that black Americans live with—regardless of age. These resources can help you affirm that black lives matter, teach the roots of this violence and counter silence on this issue with productive conversations.

the moment

Celebrate Juneteenth!

Juneteenth—celebrated across the country on June 19—marks an important milestone in the struggle for freedom. But the lessons of this holiday can and should be taught year-round. Use these resources to learn more about Juneteenth, get ideas for sharing it with students and contextualize it within American history.

the moment

Protecting Undocumented Students

This week, a Texas teacher made news by tweeting President Trump to ask for help “actively investigating and removing” undocumented students from her district. In the face of this stark reminder of the hostility undocumented children face even from those charged with their care, we’re sharing our best resources for supporting and protecting undocumented students. We hope you’ll use and share them, and that you’ll continue to stand up for all of the young people in your schools.