
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,328 Results


Barrie Moorman

Barrie Moorman is a high school history teacher at E.L. Haynes Public Charter School in Washington, D.C. She engages her students by taking them out of the classroom and into the community, including a civil rights tour of the South to empower her students through history. Moorman also emphasizes critical thinking and learning through stories. She facilitates Race and Equity in Education Seminars in D.C. She is also a receipient of the 2014 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Michelle Nicola

Michelle Nicola is a Spanish and language arts teacher at Bridger Elementary School in Portland, Oregon, and formerly at De La Salle North Catholic High School. Nicola previously taught courses on equity and social justice at George Fox University. She uses innovative learning techniques and is always ready to turn her classroom into a theater, dance club or soap opera to reach her students. She is also a recipient of the 2014 Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching.