
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,321 Results


Colleen Clemens

Colleen is the associate professor of non-Western literatures and the director of Women's and Gender Studies at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. Her academic work has been published in Feminist Formations and Journal of Postcolonial Writing. Clemens co-hosts the podcast Inside254, which focuses in depth on one current topic about labor, indigeneity, gender or world issues every other week. She can be reached via her blog.

Let’s Talk About Lula

Class discussions about To Kill a Mockingbird typically focus on the book’s white protagonists. This brand-new TT lesson turns the lens by focusing on the perspective of one of the book’s African American characters.

Sheila Esshaki

Sheila Esshaki is an English and English as a Second Language high school teacher in the metropolitan Detroit area. She has taught in high schools in Caracas, Venezuela; Cairo, Egypt; and Ankara, Turkey. She is a first-generation Arab American who speaks fluent Arabic and understands some of her native Chaldean (Aramaic). Her bicultural background, along with her experiences, give energy to her passion for supporting respect for and celebration of diversity.