
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,325 Results


At Work

The workplace is, for some, the only place they experience diversity. For those who live in segregated neighborhoods, attend segregated houses of worship or take part in segregated hobbies or activities, work becomes the only place they interact with people of varied and diverse backgrounds. It often is, for these people, a testing ground.
July 20, 2009

Among Friends and Neighbors

Many stories people shared with us dealt with difficult moments involving friends and neighbors. Factors that affect how they speak up include how well or little they know each other, how often they interact and how damaging they consider the offense to be.
July 20, 2009
professional development

Religious Holidays

If you want to include religious holidays as part of classroom inquiry, it is important to plan for them. Keep the following guidelines in mind.
Professional Development Topic
July 16, 2009
professional development

Keep It Academic

The study of religion must serve academic purposes. Many schools approach the subject in self-contained religion courses, while others integrate the study of religion throughout coursework. Below are models and resources.
Professional Development Topic
July 16, 2009
professional development

Common Roadblocks

To accompany Best Practices: Creating an LGBT-inclusive School Climate. Some individuals may hesitate about adopting practices or policies that advance equality and safety for LGBTQ students.
Professional Development Topic
School Climate
July 16, 2009