
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,321 Results


Cheryl Lederle

Cheryl Lederle is an Educational Resource Specialist at the Library of Congress, where she develops classroom materials and works with teachers to incorporate the Library’s digitized primary sources into high-quality instruction. Before coming to the Library, Cheryl taught English and writing at the high school and community college levels.

Danna Bell

Danna Bell is an Educational Resource Specialist at the Library of Congress. Trained as a librarian and archivist, she provides reference support for the Library's teacher programs. Prior to joining the Library's K-12 efforts, she provided support for members of the public using the Library's online collections.

Stephen Wesson

Stephen Wesson is an educational resource specialist at the Library of Congress, where he helps develop teacher resources and online programs that promote the effective use of the Library’s collections and expertise. A veteran of educational media, before coming to the Library he managed print and online programs for a number of educational companies and organizations.