
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,359 Results


Delvin Davis

Delvin Davis (he/him) is a senior policy analyst with the Southern Poverty Law Center. While at SPLC, he has conducted research to promote progressive public policy in the area of criminal legal reform. His most recent work includes the five-part series Only Young Once, which details the dynamics of youth incarceration in the Deep South. Delvin earned both his B.A. in Public Policy Analysis and M.A. in Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
the moment

Media Literacy Is Vital – Especially During Elections

Being discerning about the information around us is important, especially during elections. As our access to information from a variety of media sources has increased, the benefits of wider exposure are being undermined by a media landscape filled with polarized messaging, manipulated content, disinformation and propaganda. Rhetoric and catchphrases – especially about complex and divisive issues – are abundant and often attempt to reduce complex concerns to simplified and biased explanations.


Felicia Graham

Felicia Graham is a PhD candidate in Social Science & Comparative Education at UCLA's Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. At UCLA her teaching and scholarship focus on youth civic engagement, global media, and decolonizing epistemologies of the global south. Guided by Chicana feminist theory, her current research engages youth in a political and economic critique of media to become advocates for culturally, historically, and politically responsive education based on human dignity, earthly respect, and rooted in the practice of love. Felicia is a student fellow for the

Maia Ferdman

Maia Ferdman is the deputy director of the UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute and the staff director of the UCLA Dialogue Across Difference Initiative. She is also the founding principal of Bridges Intergroup Relations Consulting, a firm that supports organizations and communities to build vibrant spaces of belonging – celebrating our complex identities, proactively exploring our differences, and fostering resilient relationships between groups. Maia has worked with and consulted for agencies and organizations including the California State Water Boards, the City of Los Angeles, Pepperdine

Deslin Chapman

Deslin Chapman (she/her) is the deputy director of Curriculum and Content for Learning for Justice. An author, editor, educator and democracy advocate, Deslin has extensive leadership experience in nonprofit program management, education and publishing. She is a graduate of Queens College (City University of New York), with Bachelor of Arts degrees in anthropology and English, and holds a Master of Arts in education from the University of Mississippi. Throughout her professional career, Deslin has infused her work with a deep commitment to human rights.
the moment

Youth Learning for Justice Nurtures Young People’s Power to Shape the Future

Through learning that teaches honest history, introduces servant leadership (an approach that focuses on leadership in service of the community) and eases entry into the movement for justice, Youth Learning for Justice aims to help young people realize their power to shape the future.

October is Youth Justice Action Month. Commit with us to work toward transforming harmful systems and creating more supportive communities in which all young people can thrive. An important step in creating change together is participating in our election process. Our votes matter.