
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Toolkit for Cruel and Unusual

School discipline practices often disproportionately affect students of color and students with disabilities. Use this toolkit to form a professional learning community that reflects, researches and plans together to create a more just and equitable behavior management system in your school.

Angela P. Dodson

Angela P. Dodson is the chief executive officer and founder of Editorsoncall LLC.,, which offers free-lance editorial services and consulting. Dodson has most recently been an online editor and book reviewer for DIVERSE: Issues In Higher Education, and She has also edited special magazine supplements for DIVERSE and the Chronicle of Higher Education. She is the former executive editor of Black Issues Book Review. Angela is a former senior editor and former Style editor for the New York Times. Dodson has edited and ghost-written books

Nancy Barno Reynolds

Nancy Barno Reynolds is a Doctoral Candidate in The Graduate School of Education at Binghamton University in Binghamton, N.Y. and is planning to graduate in May. A former public school teacher for many years, her research now focuses on critical literacy, Democratic education, and the influence of the standardization movement on her profession.

Margarita Bauzá Wagerson

Margarita Bauzá Wagerson is a freelance writer for Teaching Tolerance. She has 15 years of daily newspaper writing experience in Michigan, 10 of those in Detroit, where she wrote about education, transportation and jobs. She has been a staff writer at the Lansing State Journal, Grand Rapids Press, the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press. A native of Puerto Rico, she is a graduate of Michigan State University and a former board member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Her freelance work focuses on education and health care.

Louis Cozolino

Louis Cozolino, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Pepperdine University and a private practitioner. He is the author of The Healthy Aging Brain, The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy, and The Making of a Therapist. He lives in Los Angeles, California.