
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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What to Throw Away in 2011

For me, the main activity of the first few days of 2011 has been the big “P.” Purge. Purge. Purge. Together, with my two children, we tossed “Baby Einstein” videotapes, Elmo board books and clothing for babies and for toddlers, into giant boxes destined for Goodwill. We filled an entire mini-van. And, I now feel lighter. A good cleansing can be so refreshing.

Lorna Greene

Lorna Greene is the professional development coordinator for the Early Childhood Council of Larimer County, Colo. She is also a part-time instructor at Front Range Community College.

Today’s Vocabulary Word is “Vitriol”

A year ago, we introduced a new curriculum, Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond, citing the “pressing need to change the tenor of public debate from shouts and slurs to something more reasoned.” This weekend’s carnage in Tucson, with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords gravely injured, six people dead and 14 others wounded, is a terrible tragedy, not just for the victims and their families. It is a tragedy for a nation whose political process depends on people airing issues, managing conflict and confronting controversy in the public square.

Anti-Bullying Resources

Any teacher looking to combat bullying should start with the Teaching Tolerance documentary Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case That Made History. This free movie includes a viewers guide with great anti-bullying