
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Alfredo Artiles

Alfredo J. Artiles is Professor of Special Education in the Mary Lou Fulton College of Education at Arizona State University. Artiles has published extensively in the general, special, and bilingual education fields. His recent work has focused on the disproportionate placement of English Language Learners and ethnic minority students in special education. His work has also addressed the ways teachers become social justice educators in urban schools. He is a principal investigator for the National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt).

Mica Pollock

Mica Pollock, an anthropologist of education, studies how youth and adults struggle daily to discuss and address issues of racial difference, discrimination, and fairness in school and community settings. Her first book, Colormute: Race Talk Dilemmas in an American School explores the question: when it is helpful, and when is it harmful, to talk about racial patterns in schools? Her new book, Because of Race: How Americans Debate Harm and Opportunity in Our Schools, builds on her experience working in the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, where she investigated and

The Transformation of Hate

“Dad, what is the Clue Clux Clan,” asked my 10-year-old son Bakary as we sat under a shade tree on Saturday in Montgomery, Ala. We were waiting to register for the Southern Poverty Law Center’s 40th anniversary celebration.“Well, it’s the Ku Klux Klan,” I told him. “Do you remember the old song that goes, “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight?" Well, the KKK thinks only white people are precious and they try to hurt people who think differently.” “Oh, I’m glad it’s not the ‘Clue Clux Clan’ because they don’t have a clue,” he said.
professional development

Color Blindness

This piece investigates the concept of color blindness and helps teachers recognize the importance of race and ethnicity in students' lives.
Professional Development Topic
April 27, 2011

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Rest

Elementary school-aged children get no time to just be, experience their own selfhood, to rest. It’s important for the development of creativity, for mental growth and even for discovering something new. However, from the time most children get up in the morning until they go to sleep at night, someone is hurling demands at them.

Linda Alston

Linda Alston is author of the book, Why We Teach: Learning, Laughter, Love and the Power to Transform Lives and recipient of the 2006 Kinder Excellence in Teaching Award.

‘How do YOU dismantle the 'isms'?

The question above was posed to me in the comments section of a blog post I wrote recently. The post was entitled "Imani and the Cabbage Seeds." In it, I wondered about “isms”—racism, sexism and other things that either separate people or give one group power over another.

Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

I broke a toe recently. Woke from a deep sleep, ambled around my apartment for just a few moments and then thump! I hit my foot on a piece of furniture. As I hobbled around in the days that followed, lost in the effort of just getting about, I thought “this is what it must feel like to be old.” And then—“this is what it feels like to have a disability.”