
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Simple Mix Idea Brings Fun, Laughter to Lunch

At first the idea sounded too simple to be anything worthwhile. Have students sit with someone new at lunch? How much effect could that really have? After years of perusing and using Teaching Tolerance’s other resources, I finally felt compelled to try to Mix It Up.

Take Mix It Up Beyond One Day

I love teaching in a co-op with other homeschoolers and former public educators. We are an incredibly diverse group—racially, ability-wise and religiously. We also incorporate diversity in our guest speakers and field trips. The first day of school this year, we were chanting and doing art projects with Tibetan monks. So how do we make Mix It Up at Lunch Day unique with this gorgeous hodgepodge of people that is already used to joining together?

Educators Set the Bar for Respect

As a high school sophomore, I loved debate. My coach was a quirky, intelligent man whom I greatly admired. I learned a lot from him. It bothered me, however, that he didn’t seem to respect me because of my choices.

Seeing Through the Privileged Haze

I have always considered myself a thoughtful and considerate teacher. I try to understand where my students are coming from. I want my students to feel safe and respected. Last year, one of my students taught me how even the best intentions can miss the mark.

Have You Thanked a Parent Lately?

My third-hour class was a challenge. The students were young, the class was large, and most students just needed a required fine art credit. Not great art lovers, they spent their considerable energy doing everything but their art projects.

Day of the Girl Inspires Student Action

The first International Day of the Girl, a United Nations initiative to promote gender equality around the world, was Oct. 11. When I explained the day to my extra-curricular group for girls, their responses varied. One student remarked that a day wasn’t enough, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. Another noted that it was about time someone recognized the multitude of issues that girls face. Still another asked why we needed a day at all.

Finding the Best Teacher Voice for Students

During my first year as a second-grade teacher, I struggled with classroom management. I am a soft-spoken person by nature and habit. I didn't have the experience to help me set up great rules and procedures for my students. My classroom was noisy and chaotic. I think you could hear us all around the school.

Excited to Mix It Up in New Orleans

More than half the students in my middle school receive special education services or some extra help for academics or behavior. We polled our student leadership to find out the biggest issues in school. They said, “Cliques.”