
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,322 Results


Indoor Recess: A Time for Unifying Games

On rainy, dreary days, an announcement breaks into my class around 11 a.m. “Please excuse the interruption. Recess will be held indoors today.” From around the room, there are scattered cheers. My students are often happy to have indoor recess. I’m happy, too, because I see this as a positive time for my students to build friendships and interact. It wasn’t always this way.

University Partnership Offers Win for All Students

As the instructor of Human Relations and South Dakota Indian Studies classes, I am beaming with pride that our university students choose to tutor K-12 American Indian students. Not only do the pre-service teacher education majors gain valuable experiences with one-on-one tutoring, but as an added benefit, the academic achievement of the K-12 students is improving.

Alan L. Neville

Alan L. Neville currently serves as an associate professor of education at Northern State University in Aberdeen, S.D. He usually teaches courses in human relations and South Dakota Indian Studies. Prior to his higher education experience, Neville worked in K-12 education as a teacher and high school principal. He is a veteran of the U.S Army.

Lunchroom Fight Prompts Lesson

My student Belinda got into a fight last year. It wasn’t a prissy, slappy, name-calling fight, either. It was a reality television-worthy, punch- throwing, eye-bruising fight that didn’t end until Belinda’s opponent had ripped the weave out of her hair and waved it around in front of the student spectators.