
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Cara Liebowitz

Cara Liebowitz is a college student, activist, and writer with multiple disabilities. She aims to change the way educators view disability by bringing disability culture, history, and pride into the classroom. She will graduate in Fall 2013 from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in special education.

Ijeoma Nicole Njaka

Ijeoma Njaka is a writer and education professional committed to social justice. As an undergraduate student, she spent summers teaching art, mathematics, and Swedish classes to bright, urban middle schoolers at LearningWorks at Blake: A Breakthrough Program in Minneapolis, Minn. She graduated from Brown University with a bachelor’s degree in Public Policy and American Institutions. She created U.S. history curriculum with a people’s history approach at Teaching for Change in Washington, D.C. Most recently, she worked at a Boston nonprofit to mentor first-generation college-bound, low-income

Jill Silos-Rooney

Jill Silos-Rooney, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of History at MassBay Community College and authors the Open Academic blog about higher education policy, student and educator concerns, and new education technology.