
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Stamping Out Disrespect in Class

“Man that boy booty sweaty!” The comment rang out in a room that was supposed to be silent. Although the student whose “booty” was being discussed was out of the room and seemingly unscathed by his classmate’s remarks, I knew I had to address this like any other incident of disrespect. Since there are some students (most, I’d wager), who would be made uncomfortable by this type of remark, everyone needs to know that it’s not okay to say such a thing. It’s an opportunity for me to help a teenager hone empathy into a habit.

Rosalie Franks

Rosalie Franks is a professor of writing, literature and philosophy at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. She designs lessons that inspire students to examine their values and to take action on social issues. A graduate of Smith College in English literature, she earned her master’s degrees in childhood education and curriculum development from Teachers College, Columbia University and her doctorate in humanistic education from Boston University. Early in her career, Rosalie was a fourth-grade teacher on Boston’s WGBH TV.

Caterpillars Teach Lesson in Friendship

In the course of the day, sometimes, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices and decisions to be made, I miss the big moments. Take a day last fall. We were coming from lunch when I noticed that Brendan was crying. “Malia, why is Brendan crying?” I asked. “Oh, he’s sad that his caterpillars got let go,” she said.

J. Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman has been a teacher with Montgomery Public Schools for more than a decade. Most of that time was as a technology coordinator. Besides teaching social studies in a paperless environment, he’s taught web development, Adobe photoshop, Adobe flash and sound recording. A long-time evangelist for the power of new media and social networking tools, he strives to bring the power of user/student-related content into the classroom. He was named the 2011 winner of Alabama’s Marbury award for technology innovation in the classroom. He has presented at conferences for Alabama Educational

When the Bully Gets Bullied

Every year our school conducts what has come to be known as “The Bully Poll.” Teaching Tolerance also offers an activity to open the discussion about bullying. Our poll is an anonymous questionnaire that enables the students to answer questions openly and honestly about incidents of bullying in our school. Where does bullying most often occur? What do you think about the way in which the school handles bullying? Who is the biggest bully?

Online Hate: Unfriend or Speak Up?

The morning of the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I logged in to Facebook as I do most weekend mornings to see the status updates of 200 or so acquaintances. Many had posted links to news articles and patriotic photos or comments about their memory of that day in 2001. I was not prepared, however, to read a blatantly xenophobic post by someone I had gone to high school with. He called for the extermination of Islam and the strategic bombing of all countries in the Middle East.