
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,329 Results


Adrienne van der Valk

Adrienne van der Valk began her career in social work, advocating for homeless and runaway youth and survivors of sexual violence. Her graduate studies led her to political science and journalism, and she has been using her editorial skills in a variety of social justice settings ever since. She served as deputy director for Teaching Tolerance for many years before moving on to become the communications director for the Center for Genetics and Society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Grinnell College and master’s degrees in political science and magazine journalism from the

Elisa Pollard

Elisa Pollard teaches English and language arts an alternative school setting in North Carolina. For more than a decade, she has served on the State Superintendent's Ethic Advisory committee. As a single parent with two children of her own who have received free/reduced lunch, Pollard recognizes that students often don't come to school "ready to learn." She actively searches for literature and written material to meet her students where they are and to address their educational needs by way of their social issues.

The Rich Tapestry of Religion in the United States

“The Rich Tapestry of Religion in the United States” features three lessons that help students assess the religious diversity of the United States, explore different religious and non-religious worldviews, and consider how freedom of religion relates to their own lives and the lives of others.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Math & Technology
Social Justice Domain
March 1, 2013