
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results

student task
Write to the Source

What is the Argument?

What’s the Argument? asks students to demonstrate their argumentative and analytical writing skills.
Grade Level
W.3-5.2, W.3-5.4, W.3-5.5, W.4-5.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

What's the Impact?

What’s the Impact? asks students to demonstrate their explanatory and informative writing skills.
Grade Level
W.6-12.2, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

Break It Down

Break it Down asks students to demonstrate their explanatory and descriptive writing skills.
Grade Level
W.6-12.2, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

A Two-Sided Coin

A Two-Sided Coin asks students to demonstrate their explanatory and comparative writing skills.
Grade Level
W.6-12.2, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

So What?

So What? asks students to demonstrate their explanatory and informative skills when writing to gain the understanding of others.
Grade Level
W.6-12.2, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

Problem Solver

Problem Solver asks students to demonstrate their argumentative skills when identifying problems and solutions in writing.
Grade Level
W.6-12.1, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014
student task
Write to the Source

I'll Be the Judge

I’ll be the Judge asks students to demonstrate their argumentative and comparative writing skills.
Grade Level
W.6-12.1, W.6-12.4, W.6-12.9
July 19, 2014