
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


A Sheet Protector Taught Me to Hear

I hate sheet protectors. Those shiny, clear plastic sheaths have no place in my classroom. When my new ninth-graders hand in their summer reading logs each September, the first thing I do is remove and return all the sheet protectors. They make it impossible for me to maintain my neat stacks of student work. They don’t quite fit into the file folders I use to transport those stacks home to grade them. I have to remove them before I can write any feedback.

Just Listen

Greg arrived at my art room after school to pick up a bulky project. He seemed down. “Is everything ok?” I asked.

Cesar Chavez Monument Means More for Students

As a child I asked my father whether there was someone like Martin Luther King Jr. who had fought for Latino rights. “Yes,” he said, and told me that his name was César Chávez. My father, a former farmworker who had toiled in the agricultural fields from childhood until adulthood, taught me about César Chávez, Dolores Huerta and the farmworker struggle.

Mónica Ramirez

For more 15 years Ramirez has been an activist for farmworkers and immigrant rights. She is currently acting deputy director at Centro del los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (Center for Migrant Rights), based in Baltimore, Md. She was senior staff attorney and project director of Esperanza: The Immigrant Women's Legal Initiative at the Southern Poverty Law Center. She is the daughter and granddaughter of migrant farmworkers.


What is the Truth About American Muslims? Conclusion Throughout American history, people of many faiths have come to these shores seeking religious freedom. Despite periodic outbreaks of nativism, anti-Semitism, and
October 11, 2012


What is the Truth About American Muslims? Sharia 19. What is Sharia? Sharia stands for Islamic or sacred law. It is an Arabic word meaning “the way” or “the path to water.” For centuries, Muslim scholars have given a
October 11, 2012

Misunderstood Terms and Practices

What is the Truth About American Muslims? Misunderstood Terms and Practices 14. What does “jihad” mean? Isn’t it a “holy war”? “Jihad” literally means striving, or doing one’s utmost. Within Islam, there are two basic
October 11, 2012

The Law of Religious Freedom

What is the Truth About American Muslims? The Law of Religious Freedom Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof … Religion clauses of the First
October 11, 2012

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation (DTPF) helps people and societies create cultures of peace by developing programs that focus on young people.Programs use new media and traditional methods to model ways young people can work, as Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has, to foster peaceful living and implement proven reconciliation and restorative practices.