
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,320 Results


Toolkit for Name Changers

Challenges to school names that no longer represent community values are being heard throughout the South. In this toolkit, students will consider the complexities of naming and name changes and explore a strategy for convincing decision-makers that such changes are needed.

Toolkit for A Letter to My Teenage Self

Editor’s note: The author of this essay prefers the pronoun they. In a poignant letter to their teenage self, Jey Ehrenhalt—a transgender educator and advocate—recalls jarring and painful experiences of their youth and describes how many schools urgently need to become more welcoming and supportive places for transgender students.

Toolkit for Dressing in Solidarity

On Feb. 10, 2015, three Muslim university students of Arab descent were shot and killed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, leaving an educational community shocked and reeling. Criticisms quickly surfaced in the United States and internationally that many U.S. media organizations did not adequately cover this horrific crime or its aftermath. This toolkit offers a media literacy activity that educators can use to explore these topics with students.

Toolkit for Girls, Interrupted

As “Girls, Interrupted” documents, girls now account for 30 percent of juvenile arrests and 15 percent of juvenile incarceration—making them the fastest-growing demographic in the juvenile justice system. But they are the least talked about. This toolkit offers a list of resources that educators can consult to expand their knowledge about at-risk girls and build gender-responsive practices to support their needs.