
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,321 Results


A Student's View on the Silence Over Bullying

Growing up, no one told me that people shouldn’t be gay. My parents didn’t tell me I shouldn’t talk to kids whose parents were lesbian. My neighbors didn’t rant against the horrors of gay rights. Instead, all the people in my life encouraged me to live openly, to take people’s personalities and see the beauty in them, to smile at the adorable young couple clutching each other’s hands, no matter their gender. Love was love. I lived in a world blissfully ignorant about the cruelties of the “real world.”
professional development

Five Standards of Effective Pedagogy

Does your teaching include these five standards? Take a deep dive with this self-check, originally produced by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence at the University of California.
Professional Development Topic
May 4, 2011

James Joseph Scheurich

James Joseph Scheurich is an associate professor in educational administration and the director of the Public School Executive Leadership Programs at Texas A & M. He is the author of Anti-Racist Scholarship and Research Methods in the Postmodern, and coauthor of The Knowledge Base in Educational Administration. He is the coeditor with Angela Valenzuela of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. He is the author or coauthor of numerous articles in academic journals, including Educational Researcher, Journal of Education Policy, Urban Education, Educational Administration

David O’Brien

David O’Brien’s scholarship and teaching focus on the literacy practices of adolescents. He has studied how adolescents use literacy to learn content across the disciplines and also how their teachers learn to integrate literacy practices into various disciplines in middle and high school instruction. His research is collaborative, conducted within a community of practice with the intent of improving adolescents’ literacy skills and practices concurrently with improving their teachers’ abilities to meet the needs of a range of learners. In a recent project, he collaborated with colleagues at