
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,325 Results

professional development

Family Engagement

Most teachers have a technique or two in their back-to-school tool kits for introducing themselves to families and taking those first steps to engage parents and other caregivers in the classroom and the student learning process. And yet, family engagement is a year-long process.
Professional Development Topic
Family & Community Engagement
July 6, 2009

Beauty is Skin Deep

During this lesson, students will reflect on the ways they have experienced or participated in bias based on physical size and appearance—and will discuss how society’s expectations about body image and appearance affect people. Students build on their media literacy skills as they examine media images for messages that consciously and unconsciously affect attitudes and behaviors toward others. Finally, the class will explore ways to get beyond appearance as a dominant force in their social lives.Note: This lesson has been adapted with permission from the original created by GLSEN for its program, No Name-Calling Week.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Science & Health
Social Justice Domain
July 6, 2009