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Social Justice Domain

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Natalie Odom Pough

Natalie Odom Pough, Ed.D., is a visiting clinical assistant professor of education at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Her work and research interests include new educator attrition and curriculum design in the age of social media and social justice activism in schools. Natalie was named a 2018 ASCD Emerging Leader and is a member of the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board.
the moment

Black Lives Matter Today and Always

Over the weekend, white supremacists burned Black Lives Matter flags that belonged to two Black churches in Washington, D.C. during a pro-Trump rally. Earlier this month, Casey Goodson Jr., a Black man, was shot and killed by police while walking into his Columbus, Ohio, home. It’s essential that teachers counter the insidiousness of anti-Blackness and white supremacy with students and affirm that Black lives do matter. These resources can help.

the moment

The 65th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

December 5 marks the 65th anniversary of the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It’s critical not to oversimplify or whitewash this watershed moment. These resources help students contextualize the boycott—and the civil rights movement at large—beyond Rosa Parks’ role, with a focus on women who were also instrumental in sparking change.

the moment

Native American Heritage Month

As Native American Heritage Month comes to a close, be sure to continue incorporating this history in your curriculum and support Native American students year-round. Use these resources to help students contextualize the true history and contemporary issues of Native peoples.

the moment

Teach the Truth This Thanksgiving

As you discuss Thanksgiving with students, we hope you’ll reflect and use these resources to guide them to a more comprehensive understanding. It’s critical to address the truth and violence surrounding the day while also ensuring your students feel safe and prepared. It’s also critical to uplift the voices of Indigenous people, many of whom mourn the day and the pain that accompanies it.

the moment

Celebrating Transgender Awareness Week

November 13–19 is Transgender Awareness Week, followed by Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20. This week, as you celebrate the diverse experiences of the transgender community, use these resources to advocate for trans students and fellow educators, whether you’re teaching in person or remotely.