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the moment

National Mix It Up Day 2018

National Mix It Up at Lunch Day is next week! If you haven't started planning yet, don't worry: This edition of The Moment has everything you need to design a SUPER Mix experience your students won't forget. And if you can't participate on October 23, no big deal. Mix It Up can—and should—happen all year long.

the moment

LGBTQ History Month 2018

October is LGBTQ History Month. This edition of The Moment includes our brand-new guide to serving LGBTQ students—complete with tips for bringing LGBTQ history into your curriculum. We're also proud to debut our new podcast Queer America (which features the stories of queer life we should have learned in school) and to honor Matthew Shepard, who died 20 years ago this week.


Yaki's Mural

In this Story Corner from Teaching Tolerance Magazine, Yaki is nervous about making friends at her new school but finds a way to share her culture and art with her new class by creating a class mural.
Alexandra Melnick
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
October 8, 2018
the moment

Indigenous Peoples Day 2018

Indigenous Peoples Day—still observed as Columbus Day in most states—is just a few days away. Use it as an opportunity to set the record straight about Native history and the experiences of Native people today. This edition of The Moment features resources to help you do it.