
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,326 Results

the moment

Advocating for Honest History Education

Parent and caregiver advocacy is crucial as children’s right to inclusive learning and honest history education is being limited in some states and communities. While the media often highlights the vocal efforts of a few politically motivated parents’ groups to censor teaching and to exclude some children and families from representation, we know that most parents and caregivers support fair and inclusive education practices that protect the learning and well-being of all children.

the moment

Our Humanity Is Bound Together: Discussing the Holocaust

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1945. We honor the memory of the 6 million Jews and the millions of Roma, Sinti, Slavs, disabled persons, LGBTQ+ individuals, political dissidents and others who were murdered in the Holocaust. And we encourage learning from the survivors as we reflect on the significance of this history.

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Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Teaching Honest History 

Martin Luther King Jr. is the most iconic figure of the Civil Rights Movement, but the narrative around his life and work is often oversimplified in classrooms and public discourse. We invite you to expand the narrative and teach a more complex and comprehensive view of Dr. King and a more honest history of the United States. Check out these Learning for Justice resources to better understand King’s strategies and goals, the context of the movement for equality and civil rights, and the work that remains to be done.

the moment

Strengthening Democracy in 2024

As the anniversary of the January 6 insurrection approaches, we are reminded that democracy requires regular practice from all of us, and media literacy is vital to that practice. We offer our first new resource of the year, our Media Literacy Resources page, which provides guidance for introducing these essential skills to children and young people.


Media Literacy Resources

Critical thinking skills are imperative for resisting harmful disinformation and countering hate and bias. Educators, parents and caregivers should be essential partners in introducing media literacy concepts to children
December 27, 2023