
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,359 Results

the moment

Critical Practices for Social Justice Education

Critical Practices for Social Justice Education is a resource guide to support K-12 educators in growing their understanding of social justice principles and integrating them into their practice. This revised edition is informed by the current social and political landscape and acknowledges the ways educators have been challenged by increased political scrutiny, censorship and debate about what can be taught in schools. Despite these challenges, educators across the country have renewed their commitment to inclusive, affirming and equitable education.

the moment

Remember the 1963 March on Washington and Advocate for Honest History Education

The 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom has become one of the most iconic events from the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s. On the 60th anniversary of the march, which galvanized hundreds of thousands of people, it is essential to understand the movement’s challenges and triumphs and connect the past to the present to shape a better future.

The following resources can aid educators, parents and caregivers, and all community members in teaching and discussing the honest history of the 1963 March on Washington.

the moment

Back to School: Teach and Advocate for Honest History and Inclusive Education

Education censorship and discriminatory book bans—like the policies pushed by politicians in Florida—are undemocratic and threaten children’s well-being and right to learn. As students head back to school, let us all commit to supporting honest history and inclusive curricula. These LFJ resources support educators in teaching truth and parents and caregivers in advocating for inclusive education.

the moment

Inclusive Education Means Safe, Welcoming Schools for All Students

Schools should be safe and welcoming for all children—on this point responsible adults agree. But currently, discriminatory laws and censorship policies threaten the well-being of children. LGBTQ+ young people and families are being targeted, along with Black, Indigenous and other people of color and members of historically marginalized groups, whose histories and experiences are being misrepresented and erased.

the moment

Building Community Supports to Counter Manipulative Extremist Narratives

Disinformation and extremism in the current politically polarized landscape threaten the well-being of young people and communities across our country. Helping young people build resilience against manipulative extremist narratives and conspiracy theories requires all adults in a young person’s trusted network to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to intervene. A key strategy for building this resilience is offering communities tools to both identify insidious extremist narratives and strengthen their own care networks. These LFJ articles provide resource connections.