
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,325 Results


Patty Johnson

Patty Johnson is a clinical health psychologist who enjoys creating art related to spirituality, culture, justice and other bizarre and beautiful intricacies of life. She's the author of Where the Tiger Dwells, a memoir about her very Indian Christian parents who are giddily in the process of arranging her marriage, while she becomes faint at the thought of telling them she’s having her secret American boyfriend’s baby. She has also written Essays of Night and Daylight, which includes stories on how culture and womanhood collide between two generations of an immigrant family. Patty speaks

Nefertari Yancie

Nefertari Yancie, Ph.D., teaches eighth grade social studies in Birmingham, Alabama. She received her doctorate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in education studies in diverse populations. Her research focuses on developing students’ historical empathy skills as a way of understanding the past’s connection and relevance to the present.

Ursula Wolfe-Rocca

Ursula Wolfe-Rocca has taught high school social studies since 2000. Based in Portland, Oregon, she is on the editorial board of Rethinking Schools and works full time for the Zinn Education Project as an organizer and writer. She has written lessons and/or textbook critiques on McCarthyism, voting rights, Red Summer, reparations, redlining (in consultation with Richard Rothstein), deportations, COINTELPRO, climate justice and the Cold War, and she contributed to a series of lessons for How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith. In addition to Learning for Justice and Rethinking Schools, her work
the moment

Supporting Student-led Action and Protests

As some states and districts drop mask mandates amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many students continue to petition and stage walkouts to demand safer health protocols. Some students are protesting against instances of racism and sexual assault as well. These LFJ resources provide guidance for supporting your students who are demanding that their concerns are taken seriously.

the moment

Prioritize Black Mental Health and Self-care

Current events may be hard to grapple with as multiple historically Black colleges and universities faced bomb threats, Minneapolis police fatally shot Amir Locke, and many states and districts continue to ban teaching inclusive books and talking about race. Amidst these aggressions, we want to remind Black educators to practice self-care—and all educators to elevate the importance of Black students experiences and their mental health. These resources can help.