
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,921 Results

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How Does Inclusive Education Benefit Society?

The tools for inquiry and dialogue are crucial if we are to build a just and thriving society. As professor of education Gregory M. Anderson points out: “Democracy cannot be sustained, let alone flourish, in the 21st century without open and robust spaces for rational discussion and analysis about our different experiences and viewpoints. This is an essential reason why inclusive education is crucial to our basic self-interests and our collective success.

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‘Plyler v. Doe’: All Students Deserve an Education

June 15 marks the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Plyler v. Doe. The court ruled in 1982 that schools could not deny students a public education based on their citizenship status. Use these resources, including SPLC’s new guide and pamphlets for advocating for immigrant students and emerging English speakers, to ensure your school is doing right by students and families.

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Reckoning With Honest History Through Ongoing Education

Young people aren't alone in seeking opportunities to learn honest history, and the classroom isn't the only location where such education can take place. In various community spaces—including virtual ones—many adults are also willing to do the work reckoning with our nation’s history of anti-Blackness and white supremacy, recognizing that past in the present and finding liberatory ways forward. These LFJ resources highlight possibilities for self-reflection and ongoing learning. 

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Why Civics Education Needs Social Justice

From an early age, each of us must navigate numerous social institutions, many of which were designed to perpetuate centuries-old inequities. For us to move in those spaces with power and agency, civic knowledge, skills and dispositions are essential. But alarming trends reveal a sharp decline in civics competency among adults in the United States, and participation in places that bring people together to solve common problems has withered, too. Civics education needs a critical social justice lens so people can fulfill the potential of a multiracial and inclusive democracy.