
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Why I Teach: Typical Day, Typical High School

It was a whirlwind day, and yet it was entirely typical of what happens at our high school—in most high schools, probably. I just thought it was worthwhile to put this day down as an official mark that this is what regularly happens. First thing in the morning my secretary called me on the radio to tell me that I had a visitor. This could be anybody: former students, current students, teachers in other buildings who are visiting and wanted to drop by to say hello. It was Janelle. Janelle graduated early this year, so I never get to see her much anymore. She brought her month-old daughter and wanted to show me that she had all ten fingers and all ten toes. Of course, I said, “You know I’m going to hold her, right? And smell her? And kiss her? And then I’ll steal her.” She laughed and looked at me sideways because I’m always joking with her. If I keep it light enough, I sometimes think I can force her to stay in school.

Remarks on Signing the Immigration Act of 1965

The Immigration Act of 1965 abolished the "country-of-origin" immigration quota system and established a system of entry based on skills and family relationships with U.S. residents. In addition to his remarks about these changes, President Johnson announced asylum for Cuban refugees.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
June 11, 2015