
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

210 Results

the moment

Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month

LGBTQ Pride Month starts Saturday, and we're excited to honor it with some of our favorite resources! In this edition of The Moment, you'll find a history of the Stonewall Uprising that you can use to teach the fight for LGBTQ equality alongside other civil rights movements. We're also including our extensive guide for serving LGBTQ students. And we extend a heartfelt reminder that we see you standing up for your students every day—and we appreciate you.

the moment

October Is LGBTQ History Month!

Educators can use these LFJ resources to recognize, remember and teach intersectional LGBTQ history, including the experiences of young LGBTQ people of color. And this One World poster features a beautiful and timely message from Audre Lorde to inspire your students—all year long.

the moment

LGBTQ+ Rights Are Human Rights

As we celebrate Pride against the backdrop of legislation designed to roll back gains to protect the human rights of LGBTQ+ youth in the nation’s schools and communities, these LFJ resources from the latest issue of Learning for Justice magazine—including a Q&A with activists Nikole Parker and Brandon Wolf from Equality Florida—showcase ways to support and affirm young people in this moment that requires a strategic focus on the South for the greater good of our democracy and nation.

the moment

Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People and Families

All young people—including LGBTQ+ youth and children of LGBTQ+ families—have the right to safe, affirming and inclusive schools; on this point, responsible adults agree. But currently, discriminatory laws and censorship policies across the country are targeting LGBTQ+ young people and families, erasing their histories and experiences. In our newest resource page, we’ve compiled numerous materials to help you support LGBTQ+ youth and families, as well as to understand, teach and celebrate LGBTQ+ history, stories and perspectives.

the moment

Celebrate Intersectional LGBTQ History This Month!

October is LGBTQ+ History Month. We hope these resources will help you and your students as you celebrate the diverse identities, experiences and histories of LGBTQ activists—and the continuing fight for LGBTQ equality.