
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

210 Results


Expanding Democracy

LFJ Director Jalaya Liles Dunn contends that “The treatment of children from communities experiencing systemic oppressions—those at the intersection of race, gender, poverty and geography—will determine the fate of our democracy.”

Nadia Moshtagh Razi

Nadia Moshtagh Razi is an educator and lifelong learner who has devoted over a decade to equity and social justice. She teaches African American literature, high school English and AVID, and has served as the English department chair. She has led initiatives throughout her district promoting equitable practices for students of color and LGBTQ+ students, spearheaded policy change for transgender and nonbinary students throughout the district, and advised the BSU and GSA student clubs. She is a certified SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) leader, HyperDoc expert and Google-Certified