
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,317 Results

the moment

Thanksgiving 2019

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's important to remember that some Indigenous communities observe the holiday as a day of mourning. We hope you'll think about the ways you bring Thanksgiving into your classroom and consider how you can ensure every member of your school community feels respected and valued in the process. Here are a few resources to get you started.

the moment

The 2020 Teaching Tolerance Award

We’re now accepting nominations and applications for our biennial Award for Excellence in Teaching. Here’s how you can help us find the next award-winning educators!


The Color of Law

Join Learning for Justice and Director Maureen Costello as we explore the role of U.S. segregation in everything from housing to employment to wealth accumulation—and the policies that made it all happen. Tune in to learn why the “bootstraps theory” doesn’t hold up and gain some useful tools for your classroom practice.