
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,317 Results


Mary Arana

Mary is a fourth-grade teacher in Salem, Oregon. Each day she leaves the classroom with pockets full of intercepted notes and gratitude for the opportunity to learn with a roomful of 9-year-olds.

A Teacher Who Looks Like Me

A white educator reflects on this reality: Most teachers in the United States are white, which means that many children of color don’t have academic role models who look like them.

Hannah Edsall

Hannah teaches high school social studies in the Greater Boston area. Specializing in post-Reconstruction American history and AP European history, Edsall pursues teaching history from multiple perspectives using primary sources and strives to make history relevant to her students. She is also the advisor for her school's social justice club, where she spends afternoons discussing prejudice, discrimination, politics and current events with over 20 students.

Fueled by Doubt

Educators need to recognize the doubts that students carry, this former elementary teacher says. But in doing so, educators should emphasize to students that doubt can lead to learning and growth.