
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,407 Results


Civics for Democracy

To strengthen democracy in the United States, we must understand the systems of government, politics and the media. This series of resources can help.
September 14, 2024
the moment

The Learning Center and Civics for Democracy

Introducing LFJ’s Learning Center, our new online popular education space for everyone (adults, youth and children), offering learning for civic and political action. The Learning Center continues our Community Justice Sites programming in our Southern states and extends our resources to a national audience. This new landing page and menu provides links to our new learning resources and series.

the moment

Growing Together: Building a Just Future

When we cultivate the values of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) in young children, we create steppingstones toward resisting hate and strengthening democracy. Growing Together: For Children and Families is LFJ’s new series, with learning activities, stories and book recommendations for children.


The 1963 March on Washington

Contextualizing the 1963 March on Washington and the complex history of the struggle associated with it is important as we make connections to the ongoing movement for equality and justice.
August 26, 2024