
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,317 Results

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Advocate for the Well-Being of Black Children

Anti-Blackness is pervasive and has material consequences for all people, including and especially Black children whose presence is often overlooked—and, ironically, villainized—in favor of all things that uphold white supremacy. These LFJ resources offer specific actions educators, parents, caregivers and communities can take to insist upon the well-being of Black children.


Diversifying Classroom Texts

Join antiracist education experts Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia together with Learning for Justice for this thought-provoking webinar highlighting the importance of diversifying classroom texts.
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Working Toward Solidarity This Women's History Month

Let’s honor all women this Women's History Month by understanding how anti-Blackness, transphobia and white supremacy prevent unity. LFJ’s newest article examines how the Women’s March—with its high points and pitfalls—and the subsequent activism it inspired play a role in highlighting the precarious position of women’s autonomy and human rights, worldwide. These LFJ resources remind us that self-awareness, solidarity and self-care are all requirements in the fight for social justice.

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Reckoning With Honest History Through Ongoing Education

Young people aren't alone in seeking opportunities to learn honest history, and the classroom isn't the only location where such education can take place. In various community spaces—including virtual ones—many adults are also willing to do the work reckoning with our nation’s history of anti-Blackness and white supremacy, recognizing that past in the present and finding liberatory ways forward. These LFJ resources highlight possibilities for self-reflection and ongoing learning. 


Teresa L. Reed, Ph.D.

Teresa L. Reed, Ph.D., (she/her) serves as the dean of the School of Music at the University of Louisville. The author of several books including The Holy Profane: Religion in Black Popular Music and The Jazz Life of Dr. Billy Taylor, Reed has lectured nationally and internationally on music theory and African American music. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including the Journal of Religious Thought, Popular Music and Society and the Black Music Research Journal. She was previously on the faculty at the University of Tulsa and during her 25-year tenure there served as director
the moment

Selma, Alabama: Honoring the Past and Fighting for the Future

As we mark the 58th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march and witness the current assault on voting rights, particularly those rights of Black citizens, it’s imperative to connect the not-so-distant past to the present. These LFJ resources—including an interactive digital platform created in conjunction with the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research—can help remind us all of the sacrifices made in the name of democracy, provide context for the present, and inspire our continuing fight for justice.

the moment

Helping Young People Grapple With Gun Violence and Extremism

Parents and caregivers must be intentional about the amount of content young people in their lives consume when it comes to gun violence, especially when such violence is motivated by extremism. Exposure to media coverage of these events should be accompanied by time for young people to reflect, discuss, ask questions and contextualize gun violence. These LFJ resources can provide additional understanding for these conversations.