
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

502 Results

the moment

Celebrate Pride 2022 with Ongoing Resistance, Activism and Solidarity

We are celebrating Pride 2022 in the shadow of hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills, anti-CRT legislation (prohibiting teaching about racism) and assaults on reproductive rights aimed at silencing and disenfranchising people—all coordinated efforts in a backlash against gains in social justice and equity. As we celebrate a legacy of courage, resilience and strength, let us commit to building coalitions of justice, to being allies to one another. We know from experience that freedom and justice require ongoing resistance, activism and solidarity.


Jim Crow: Yesterday and Today

Episode 1, Season 4 This season, we’re examining the century between the Civil War and the modern civil rights movement to understand how systemic racism and slavery persisted and evolved after emancipation—and how Black
August 25, 2021
the moment

Democracy in Action: A New Issue of ‘Teaching Tolerance’ Magazine

During a season of protests and pandemic, our Fall 2020 magazine is here. Dive in to discover how students and educators are fighting for our rights, and how they’ve always done so. Here, we’ve highlighted an illuminating interview with This Book Is Anti-Racist author Tiffany Jewell, about engaging children and young people in anti-racism, and a Story Corner for young readers, about speaking up against Coronavirus racism. We hope you find value in these stories—and in every story in our new issue.

the moment

Youth Activism and the Movement for Justice

Young people have always met challenges head-on, and contemporary youth activists have an ever-increasing set of issues to address—ongoing systemic racism, economic inequality, gun violence, reproductive and human rights, an accelerating climate crisis and more. The unwavering support of committed adults can help young people in their endeavors to realize their power and promote justice.
To today’s youth activists: We see you, we celebrate you and we encourage your work. You are the agents of change for the future.     


‘How do YOU dismantle the 'isms'?

The question above was posed to me in the comments section of a blog post I wrote recently. The post was entitled "Imani and the Cabbage Seeds." In it, I wondered about “isms”—racism, sexism and other things that either separate people or give one group power over another.
the moment

Make 'Never Again' a Meaningful Commitment

For Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoa), education is important so that we never forget the horrors that hate manifests. But for truly meaningful commitment to learning from and preventing such atrocities, we must come together in the urgency of now—in combating censorship about our country's history, in teaching about racism and the systems of anti-Black oppression, and in countering the patterns of hate in our nation and world today. The Holocaust is not just a singular event of the past; every generation must make the commitment to "never again," and that begins with education.

the moment

Diverse Perspectives Matter: Centering Diversity, Power and Care

“The reality of racism must be honestly confronted for our society to build a more equitable future for all children.” —Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D.

the moment

The 2020 Uprisings One Year Later

May 25 marks one year since the murder of George Floyd, which sparked a pivotal groundswell of activism across the country. As we honor him and all those who have died at the hands of police, we must not waver in our fight against racism and police violence. It’s important that we all center the lived experiences of students and educators of color and support young activists who stand up against racial injustice. These resources help to critically examine anti-racist practices and provide tools to support youth leadership.