
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,105 Results


Judgement of the Supreme Court of the United States in Plessy v. Ferguson

In the matter of Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court upheld practices that perpetuated Jim Crow segregation, declaring that “separate but equal” accommodations were legal. Nearly 60 years later, the Court overturned the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
Mr. Justice Brown and Mr. Justice Harlan
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
March 3, 2016
the moment

Youth Activism and the Movement for Justice

Young people have always met challenges head-on, and contemporary youth activists have an ever-increasing set of issues to address—ongoing systemic racism, economic inequality, gun violence, reproductive and human rights, an accelerating climate crisis and more. The unwavering support of committed adults can help young people in their endeavors to realize their power and promote justice.
To today’s youth activists: We see you, we celebrate you and we encourage your work. You are the agents of change for the future.     

the moment

Confronting Ableism on the Way to Justice

“Listening to the perspectives of those with lived experience is key to understanding that disability is not a problem to solve but part of the total human experience to embrace.” —Keith Jones

So how can we improve disability inclusion in social justice and overcome ableism? Jones explains, “As our movement seeks anti-racist legal reform, access to economic sustainability and employment, quality education, reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, we must include people with disabilities—who cut across all intersecting demographics. And we must be intentional in that inclusion.”