
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,112 Results

the moment

Critical Practices for Social Justice Education

Critical Practices for Social Justice Education is a resource guide to support K-12 educators in growing their understanding of social justice principles and integrating them into their practice. This revised edition is informed by the current social and political landscape and acknowledges the ways educators have been challenged by increased political scrutiny, censorship and debate about what can be taught in schools. Despite these challenges, educators across the country have renewed their commitment to inclusive, affirming and equitable education.


Teen Passion Needs Social Justice Outlet

"It's not fair!” Full of angst and rebellion, the teenage delinquent, arms crossed, leans against a concrete wall with a surly look. Heavy eyes searing under a furled brow, lips pursed in a snarl. This stereotypical portrayal of teenagers is ubiquitous in media and seems to represent society's general opinion of this age group. Unfortunately, society doesn’t have the full picture here.

Ava’s Words Teach Social Justice Lesson

Ava, an 8th-grade student in my after-school creative writing class came to me to discuss a story she was working on. She was writing a fictional story about a gay teenager who struggles with his sexuality and coming out. Even early on in the process, I was impressed with her ability to look at this story as a complex study in understanding—giving a voice to, and respectfully exploring, the conflicts of a gay teen.