
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

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Teaching Digital Literacy

Can your students tell the difference between real news and “fake” news? Do they have the tools to speak up when they witness offensive speech online? Learning for Justice is proud to introduce our newest collection of K–12 lessons to help students learn to be responsible digital citizens.

Why I Teach: Opening a Diverse World

Each spring, at the start of baseball season, fourth-graders at my school connect with Shorty, a character from Ken Mochizuki’s book Baseball Saved Us. Shorty’s a Japanese-American child who plays baseball on a makeshift field in an internment camp during World War II. Mochizuki’s consummate read-aloud story encourages a fired-up discussion in the library. Students talk about the inequities and intolerances foisted on kids and adults alike. It’s the kind of lesson that I thoroughly enjoy teaching, year after year.