
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

1,176 Results


It Has Stayed With Me

One Learning for Justice staffer reflects on the harm she experienced when her educators ignored Black History Month—and calls on all educators to uplift the value in Black history all year.
the moment

Responding to Charlottesville

In response to the terrifying and deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, use the highlighted resources to contextualize the event for students and to learn about the alt-right movement and white supremacy at large.

the moment

Protest Is Patriotic

This year, the Fourth of July arrives amid protests against racism and police brutality toward Black Americans and a focus on the role white supremacy has always played in the United States. As these resources show, this holiday and its symbols are tied to a long tradition of protest and demands that our nation make good on its promise of freedom for all.

the moment

Advocate for the Well-Being of Black Children

Anti-Blackness is pervasive and has material consequences for all people, including and especially Black children whose presence is often overlooked—and, ironically, villainized—in favor of all things that uphold white supremacy. These LFJ resources offer specific actions educators, parents, caregivers and communities can take to insist upon the well-being of Black children.