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Social Justice Domain

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professional development

White Anti-Racism: Living the Legacy

What does "white anti-racist" mean? How can guilt get in the way? And what's all this talk about being "colorblind"? Learning for Justice, then Teaching Tolerance, asked community activists to share their thoughts on these questions, and others. Their answers shine light on the concepts of comfort, power, privilege and identity.
Professional Development Topic
Teacher Leadership
July 6, 2009

Before Rosa Parks: Susie King Taylor

The title “Before Rosa Parks” loosely links a number of lessons that address African-American women who were active in the fight for civil and human rights before the 1950s. This lesson highlights Susie King Taylor, the only black woman who wrote a narrative about her experiences working with soldiers during the Civil War.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
July 6, 2009

Before Rosa Parks: Ida B. Wells

The title “Before Rosa Parks” loosely links a number of lessons that discuss African-American women who were active in the fight for civil rights before the 1950s. This lesson highlights Ida B. Wells, who worked tirelessly for racial justice in the South, especially concerning lynching.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
July 6, 2009