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Social Justice Domain

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Who Will You Inspire Today?

Bill Gates said there would never have been a Microsoft were it not for his teachers, Fred Wright and Ann Stephens. I have to wonder if, at the time, they realized what influence they had. Was the year that they taught Gates one that stood out above the rest, or was it a school year in which they did what they always did—taught to their best ability?

Ava’s Words Teach Social Justice Lesson

Ava, an 8th-grade student in my after-school creative writing class came to me to discuss a story she was working on. She was writing a fictional story about a gay teenager who struggles with his sexuality and coming out. Even early on in the process, I was impressed with her ability to look at this story as a complex study in understanding—giving a voice to, and respectfully exploring, the conflicts of a gay teen.

Appendix: Worksheets

Section One: Before a Crisis Occurs Worksheet 1—Our School Climate Team ( page 1, page 2) Worksheet 2— Our Policies Worksheet 3—What is the Climate of Our School? ( page 1, page 2) Worksheet 4— Preparation Checklist
August 27, 2012