
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

1,467 Results

professional development

Color Blindness

This piece investigates the concept of color blindness and helps teachers recognize the importance of race and ethnicity in students' lives.
Professional Development Topic
April 27, 2011

Daniel Osborn

Daniel Osborn, Ed.D. is a history instructor at Dean College. He is a Returned Peace Corps volunteer who served in Jordan. His scholarly background is in Middle Eastern and Jewish History and his research explores the relationship between historical narrative construction, collective identity formation, and the portrayal of subaltern communities in social studies textbooks and classroom discourse. He is the author of Representing the Middle East and Africa in Social Studies Education: Teacher Discourse and Otherness.

Before Rosa Parks: Frances Watkins Harper

The title “Before Rosa Parks” loosely links a number of lessons that discuss African-American women who were active in the fight for civil rights before the 1950s. This lesson highlights Frances Watkins Harper, who challenged power structures in the South by talking to free former slaves about voting, land ownership and education—and fought segregated public transportation.
Grade Level
Reading & Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
July 6, 2009