van der Valk

Adrienne van der Valk began her career in social work, advocating for homeless and runaway youth and survivors of sexual violence. Her graduate studies led her to political science and journalism, and she has been using her editorial skills in a variety of social justice settings ever since. She served as deputy director for Teaching Tolerance for many years before moving on to become the communications director for the Center for Genetics and Society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Grinnell College and master’s degrees in political science and magazine journalism from the University of Oregon.

Articles by Adrienne

Go Back to School, United

United Airlines made a major misstep this weekend, one that may be familiar to school administrators.

Endrew Who?

Yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision could transform the lives of millions of children with disabilities. So why aren’t we talking about it?

Learn Something New Every Day

Antisemitism is alive and well in the United States, and its proponents feel emboldened. The antidote? Anti-bias education.

Countdown to January 20

The days leading up to the presidential inauguration hold excellent opportunities to teach about civic engagement and civility.

Rock the Vote

The organization clearly has great brand recognition, but what does it really mean to “Rock the Vote”?