Alan L.

Alan L. Neville currently serves as an associate professor of education at Northern State University in Aberdeen, S.D. He usually teaches courses in human relations and South Dakota Indian Studies. Prior to his higher education experience, Neville worked in K-12 education as a teacher and high school principal. He is a veteran of the U.S Army.

Articles by Alan L.

Language Immersion in Just One Day

I needed to expose my preservice teachers to a real, lasting experience with diversity. I had one day. Growing up in South Dakota, where 86 percent of the population is white, my students come to college with few experiences interacting with culturally diverse students. The reality is that classrooms today are becoming increasingly diverse.

Field Trips Help Make Learning Last

I don’t remember much about my elementary school experience. But I do remember our class field trips. Field trips are more than a “vacation” from school. Coupled with meaningful and relevant lesson objectives, a field experience can engage students in learning and leave a lasting imprint.

University Partnership Offers Win for All Students

As the instructor of Human Relations and South Dakota Indian Studies classes, I am beaming with pride that our university students choose to tutor K-12 American Indian students. Not only do the pre-service teacher education majors gain valuable experiences with one-on-one tutoring, but as an added benefit, the academic achievement of the K-12 students is improving.