Strong Makaiau

Amber is the director of Curriculum and Research at the University of Hawai‘i Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education and an associate specialist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Education Institute for Teacher Education Secondary Program. She is a dedicated practitioner of philosophy for children in Hawai‘i and achieved National Board Certification while teaching secondary social studies in the Hawaii State Department of Education for over 10 years. In 2011 she won the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Culturally Responsive Teaching. Her current projects include using multicultural, social justice and democratic approaches in pre-service social studies teacher education, as well as implementing self-study research methodologies to promote international collaboration and developing the emergent field of deliberative pedagogy.

Articles by Amber

Making Our Stance on Social Justice Education Explicit

What is the power of communities and organizations coming together to explicitly communicate a common social justice education message? It can grow our collective capacity to make positive change.

Want to Teach Civility? Start With Intellectual Safety.

As the current election cycle reaches its climax, establishing “intellectually safe” communities of inquiry can help mitigate the negative effects the campaign has had on children and classrooms.