
Anya Malley is an editorial assistant for Learning for Justice. They have studied publishing and women’s and gender studies, and they have editorial experience working with several scholarly and creative journals as well as a small fiction press.

Articles by Anya

Teaching the Truth About Voter Suppression

It’s a common misconception that the only thing stopping people from voting is laziness. But voter suppression is real, and your students need to understand how it happens.

Voting and Democracy Grants in Action: Connecting to Our Past and Creating Our Present

TT Voting and Democracy Grants fund projects that encourage students to become empowered advocates for voting in their communities. Grantee Alexandra Melnick explains the project she’ll be implementing in her 12th-grade classroom this fall.

Voting and Democracy Grants Roundup: Elementary and Middle School

TT Voting and Democracy Grants fund projects that encourage students to become empowered advocates for voting in their communities. Here are a few of our favorites.