
Carrie Kilman is a writer and activist based in Madison, Wis.

Articles by Carrie

'Homo High'

Some people argue “gay-friendly” schools offer needless segregation. Others say they’re the only chance some kids have to make it.

Lonely Language Learners?

Why is that English language learner sitting in the back of the classroom and not speaking up? Maybe she just needs a friend.

One Nation, Many Gods

Research shows that a world religions course helps reduce intolerance among students without undermining students' religious beliefs.

'THIS is Why We Need a GSA'

Gay-straight alliances are taking hold in middle schools, where homophobia and anti-gay harassment may be the most rampant.

'Gates of Change'

In 1957, nine black schoolchildren enrolled at Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., and compelled the nation to live up to its promise of equality. Fifty years later, Central High's teachers and students revisit the past to help shape the future.