
Chris teaches senior-level science in the same Rochester school district he attended as a student. At World of Inquiry School #58, he uses science instruction to empower his students, emphasizing the links between math, science and social justice. Widmaier holds multiple leadership roles at his school and is a founding member of the Rochester Regional Teacher Empowerment Network. He received the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2016.  

Articles by Chris

Teach Identity and Diversity—Even in Science Class

As Earth Day approaches, it’s a good time to think about how you approach issues of identity and diversity when it comes to the environment—regardless of the subject you teach. Here’s how one science teacher did it.

Being a Good Sport When the Race Is Rigged

After hearing talk of the presidential election being rigged, this teacher, swim coach and TT Award winner began reflecting on a race that actually is rigged—the one his students face every day.